House Rules by Barabuz, Jake Bertelsen and JC Christensen Some information used is from Lejendary AsteRogues by Gary Gygax Lejendary AsteRogues Lejendary Adventure is a registered trade mark of Trigee Enterprises, and published by Hekaforge Productions. All rights reserved.
To shoot or not to shoot
Avatars wishing to use ranged weapons without Shooting Ability are subject to the following penalties:
Hand held weapons = 50% of Weapons
Shoulder braced weapons = 75% of Weapons
This penalty is negated for shoulder braced weapons if one of the following are possessed:
AestroRanging, Chivalry, Planning, Nomadic, Hunt
Two Hand Luke
AC with Shooting Ability can attempt to fire with two hand held ranged weapons in the same ABC. The strong hand shoots at 80% normal percent and the off hand shoots at 60%. If ambidexterity is possessed, the avatar shoots at 80% with both weapons.
INT Formula
INT = d20 + current Speed
Ranged Rolls
For Harm rolls requiring a range, use the ranged rolling fields.
New Abilities
- Aestro-Ranging: Add two points to Health when selecting this. All having to do with life about the galaxy, hazardous travel, scouting, scavenging, smuggling, survival in the outer space, concealment, encampment, hide-outs, water location, basic direction finding etc.
- If Space faring Ability is also possessed, the individual adds 10% of that score to ranging score in regards to checks against this Ability and vice versa.
This Ability can be used to attempt surprising a known or suspected encounter individual or group if the Avatar is employing it or could logically use it at time of encounter. It can also be used to attempt to avoid being surprised in an encounter situation if the Avatar is employing it or could logically use it at time of encounter. The base score is used, and the LM will make situational and Avatar characteristic modifiers according to circumstances. This is usually used when one ship is surprising another, out of a nebula for example.
Use Starting Equipment List Middle, but Military if chosen first.
- Astrogation: Add two points to Precision only when initially selecting this. All having to do with astronomy, space charts, space navigation, movement of solar bodies, etc. Piloting a space vessel requires this Ability, of course.
Use Starting Equipment List Middle.- Computers: Add one-half point to Speed only when initially selecting this. All having to do with the coding, development, information retrieval, inputting, maintenance, programming, repair, use, etc. of computers.
- Avatars with Technourgy add 10% of Computers Ability score to their AEP total.
Use Starting Equipment List Special.- ACs with Technourgy 1st use Starting Equipment List Magical.
- Engineering: Add two points to Health only when initially selecting this. All having to do with planning, design and building of structures such as bridges, buildings, vehicles, vessels; or systems such as electrical, hydraulic, mechanical; or the construction and/or development of mines, tunnels, etc..
When selecting this one, the player must arrange the Categories of this Ability in order, the first having 100% of score, the second 80%, the third 60%, the fourth 40%, and the fifth but 20%.
The Categories are:
- Military
Other (all)
Space vessel
Use Starting Equipment List Middle
Gravimagnetics: Add one-half point to Speed only when initially selecting this. All having to do with the adjustment, maintenance, operation, repair, and use of the various engines used in space vessels, spaceports, and shielded worlds. These engines include: electromagrav element separator, gravitational amplifier, gravitational dampener, magnegrav dynamo electrical generator for industry/heavy use, magnegravity engine/planetary rotation, magnegravity planetary core engine (to increase internal temperature), magnelectric luminescence atmospheric exciter, magnigrav force field, magnulgravity electricity generator, magnulgravity engine for spaceships, magnulgravity engine for spaceships, magrav thermal engine, magrav, small, electrical generator for personal use, magravelectric element compounder, OAR (Oscillation Action Retarded) engine, terra-duplicating engine.
When selecting this one, the player must arrange the Categories of this Ability in order, the first having 100% of score, the second 80%, the third 60%, the fourth 40%, and the fifth and but 20%.
The Categories are:
Compounders, converters, & separators
Force fields & screens
Generators & all other engines
Space vessel drive engines
Terraforming engines
Use Starting Equipment List High.
Hacking: Add two points to Precision only when initially selecting this. All having to do with code breaking, decrypting messages, debugging and bugging computer systems, computer viruses, burglary, concealment of objects, illegal digital money transfers, counterfeiting, embezzlement, forgery, grab-and-run, lock picking, breaking magna-locks, lotteries, peculation, pocket picking, pilfering, safe-cracking, theft, etc.
Avatars with Computers Ability gain 10% of that score to Hacking.
Use Starting Equipment List Low, but Middle if chosen first.
Hunt: Add two points to Precision only when initially selecting this. All having to do with hunting a life form or spaceship through outer space,, survival, the chase, tracking vapor trails, recognition of emission readings, cloaking technology, concealment and camouflage in nebulas and wild space, etc. If Aestro-Ranging Ability is also possessed, the individual adds 10% of that score to hunt score in regards to checks against this Ability and vice versa.
This Ability can also be used to attempt to avoid being surprised in an encounter situation if the Avatar is employing it or could logically use it at time of encounter. The base score is used, and the LM will make situational and Avatar characteristic modifiers according to circumstances.
Use Starting Equipment List Low, Middle if chosen first.
Language (& Linguistics): Add one-half point to Speed only when initially selecting this. All having to do with language, linguistics, philology, etc. This enables the learning and teaching of language, the rapid understanding of cant, exotic languages, "foreign tongues", idiomatic language use, slang, etc. For each five points of base score possessed by the Avatar, one additional language can be known--understood, spoken, and written (above 20 score)-taught to others in time, of course.
Use Starting Equipment List Middle.Learning: All having to do with knowledge, learning, and information, astronomy, geography, history, language, law, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, religion, etc.
When selecting this one, the player must arrange the Categories of this Ability in order, the first having 100% of score, the second 80%, the third 60%, the fourth 40%, and the fifth but 20%. Note that the individual can not have capacity in more than five categories, save at 10% of base score in the general Ability for the sixth and lower categories.
The Categories are:
Archeology, anthropology, & paleontology hard-science
Biology & chemistry hard-science
Climatology & meteorology hard-science
Geography & geology hard-science
History, mythology, etc. soft science
Law & politics soft science
Mathematics & physics hard-science
Medicine & surgery hard-science
Philosophy & religion soft science
Psychology & social science soft science
Use Starting Equipment List High.
Mechanics: Add two points to Health only when initially selecting this. All having to do with mere tinkering and repair-constructing, design, seat of the pants
engineering, forging, invention, materials, metals, etc. In order to employ construction and/or repair under this Ability in the case of fine or difficult work, however, a second Ability must also be possessed. For example, to repair armor, weapons Ability is necessary.
Use Starting Equipment List Low
Shooting: Add two points to Precision only when initially selecting this. All having to do with hand and shoulder weapons such as pistols, blastoids, bazookas, crossbows, grenade launchers, hand grenades, hand-held missile launchers, needlers, and rocket weapons, as well as aiming, the ammunition (reloading included), care and cleaning, disassembly, discharging, loading, maintenance, modification and repair (minor) thereof.
Each 10 ability points possessed adds one point to weapons Ability when using such a weapon, and also one point of harm inflicted from a successful attack when employing such a weapon. If Shooting Ability exceeds Weapons, use the Shooting Ability + 10% shooting bonus.
Equipment List Low, Military if chosen first.
Space faring: Add two points to Health only when initially selecting this. All having to do with spaceships, armament, cargo handling and storage, class and type of vessels, docking spaceships, duties of crew, hierarchy, landing spaceships, layout, maintenance, provisions and provisioning, space mining and mineral use, standard repairs, space flora and fauna, vessel operation, as well as with boarding action, buccaneering, cargo values, space hunting, piracy, spaceship actions, etc. A broadcatchall for all that venture into space in vessels, especially as crew.
Equipment List Low, Military if chosen first.
Technourgy: Add one-half point to Speed only when initially when selecting this. All having to do with the nannite technology and the employment of advanced robotics and cybernetics are governed by this ability.
See Bion Page for powers and more details.
Bions have limited control over technology and electronics. They can summon golems out of computer components that assemble before your eyes and obey the summoner's command. Larger creations require the user to form as dampening field around the bion. This field protects the summoner from having his/her own cybernetic implants removed during the construction. The formation of said field required two minutes and one Plasma Cart to construct.
Bions store their Technourg programs on diskettes called Genetic Sequencing disks. Each one holds four different programs. Once a week the Bion must reload these programs to possess the power. If the diskette is damaged or lost, the Bion losses his or her powers.
Arms and Armor
Armor and Shielding Statics Chart Name Armor Protection Speed Loss Armor Health Force Shield 8 2 80 Mega Force Shield 8 3 100 Half Cloth Armor 4 .5 80 Full Cloth Armor 6 1 66 Half leather 6 .5 80 Full Leather 9 1.5 120 Half Poly-Acrylon Suit 7 2 260 Full Poly-Acrylon Suit 10 3 390 Half Reflect Plate 10 2 440 Full Reflect Plate 13 3 660
Force Shields
Force Shields are made of a plasma energy that are activated and then hover in front of the AC. The activator unit is a small box clipped to the belt. They can be activated and deactivated on command. Although not requiring a hand to hold like mundane shields, they produce a static field that lows speed. Once all points are depleted, the activator unit is unless. Avatars can drain charges off of their Force Shields to load a pistol or riffle but this action depletes 20 points from the shield.
Normal Force Shields block one opponent. Mega Force Shields block up to three. An avatar cannot walk about in heavily traffic area with their shield up. Anyone coming in contact with the energy would be knock down. Thus, shields are activated in combat and powered down when not needed. The command words for shields are Force Shield Up and Power Down. Shields are set to respond only to the current operator through Voice Recognition Protocols (VRP). Hackers can attempt to override these protocols and gain control of an enemies shields. An AC can only activate one Force Shield at a time. Rumors abound of new Force Shields that have Self-Regeneration Coils. These shields never run out of power. If they do exist, they are being hoarded by the very power.
Leather and Cloth Armor
Leather and Cloth Armor are the same as in any other setting.
Poly-Acrylon Armor
This black rubbery material is made of an advanced polymer material. It deflects physical blows and helps to dampen plasma energy and laser blasts. A full suit come with Reflect shoulder pads and arm guards. It is air tight and thermo-regulated. Equipped with a helmet, a full suit is safe for space walks.
OOG: These suits look like scuba diving gear.
Reflect Armor
Reflect Armor is comprised of bulky plates of a plastic material. The outer shell is anti-polarized to repulse energy fire. A full suit locks the wearer in a complete shell of armor, even the head is contained. These suites are environmentally sealed and can be used for space walks.
OOG: Imagine the space suits in Metroid.
Hand Held Ranged Weapon Chart Weapon Name Harm Range Harm Type Range Precision Bonus Shots/Plas-Carts Laser Pistol 1-20 Health Pen 60/120/180 20/0/0 20 Laser Baster 3-20 Heath Pen 180/360/600 15/5/0 10 Flash Blaster 1-5 Speed Shock 180/360/600 15/5/0 10
Shoulder Braced Ranged Weapon Chart Weapon Name Harm Range Harm Type Range Precision Bonus Shots/Plas-Carts Blastoid 3-20 Health Pen 150/300/900 20/10/0 10 Bazooka 7-20 Health Pen 75/225/450 10/5/0 5 Plasma Cannon 4-20 Health Pen 150/300/900 5/0/0 10 Laser Rifle 1-20 Health Pen 150/300/900 20/10/0 20 Flash Rifle 1-5 Speed Shock 150/300/900 20/10/0 10
Melee Wepaons Statics Chart Weapon Name Harm Range Harm Type Range Speed Precision Bonus Plasma-sword 3-20 Pen 4 3 20 Plasma Lance 4-20 Pen or shock 5 9 10 Plasma Axe 7-20 Pen 3 5 10 Meglo-wrench 6-20 Shock 2 6 5 Plasma Torch 2-20 Pen 3 3 0 Plasma Dagger 1-20 Pen 1 2 5 Hallow Fail 6-20 Pen 3 8 0 Great Sword 11-20 Pen 5 9 0 Light Staff 1-20 Shock 4 4 10 Hallow Mace 5-20 Pen 1 6 5
Other Weapons and Devices
Percussive shock bombs Set to blow on computer terminal or keypad. Detonation time is less than one minute or until input command.
- Check vs Hacking to use.
Weapon Harm Range Standard PSB 5-10 Greater PSB 5-20 Mega PSB 5-30 WARP BACK TO Alpha-Trion IV