Technourgy a home brewed extraordinary ability by Barabuz and JC Christensen
Half man, half machine, Bions are the genetic leftovers of a war that ended five decades ago. Faced with total annihilation, the ilven planets in the Alpha sector made a choice, one that haunts their race to this day. Highly magical beings called the Solarian invaded the sector and everyone in their path were demolished beneath their might. The magic of the lawful races was no match for the aliens. So they left it entirely in search of a new Arcana, bread by humanilia themselves.
That technology turned the tables on the war. Bio-Technourgy was completely foreign to the Solarians. Without defenses towards the Bions powers, the Solarians were defeated, and pushed back to deep space forever.
The sector is recovering from this war. Sector Lords have gobbled up the vacuum of power left when the Solarians fell. Life slowly returns to normal for all but the Bions. In a world were magic has been shunned, Bions are feared, outcast and mistreated. They find what little life they can using their skills to maintain droids and computer networks for large space stations and mining colonies. Most are indentured and don't own as much as their own freedom.
Summarization of powers
Very Minimal Time: 1 seconds/ cost 2
- Mend Metal Object
- Sense Direction
- Detect and Gage Strength and Worth of Metal
Minimal Time: 2 seconds/ cost 3
- Summon Gearwork Mechatron (lizard, frog, dragonfly)
- Summon Metal
Min-Extreme Time/ cost: variable
- Flesh to Metal (uses the same scale as Pet Gaze LR4AP 121)
Rust Metal (uses the same scale as Pet Gaze LR4AP 121) Arch of Power (Fiery Bolt LR4AP p 115)- Alter Magnetic Polarity
Lowmod time 3 seconds/ cost 4
- Serrate/Sharpen Metal
- Computer Havoc
moderate 4 seconds/ cost 5
- Wood to Metal (nonpermanent)
Call Weapon- Emulate Precious Metals
Good Time: 5 seconds/ cost 6
- Shape Metal
Heat Metal
Rebuke Droid
Metallic Vibration
Create Metal Object
Very Good Time: 7 seconds/ cost 7
- Summon Mechatron Mount (horse, rhino)
- Bolt of Metal
- Annihilate Computer Hard Drive
Strong Time: 9 seconds/ cost 8
- Wood to Metal (permanent)
Alter Magnetic Polarity
Summon Mechatron Servant- Distrupt Network
Very Strong Time: 12 seconds/ cost 9
- Wall of Swords
- Melt Metal
- Summon Guardian Mechatron
Major Time: 16 seconds/ cost 10
- Summon Lesser Golem Mechatron
- Corrupt Computer Network
- Imbue with Bio-Technology
- Animate Cyborg Familiar
Extreme Time: 20/ Cost 12
- Summon Major Golem Mechatron
- Rain of Sparks
- Summon Metallic Elemental
- Fuse Biology and Technology
- Implant Power Node